Hello!!! I'm a software developer based in New York!

Muhammed Makhambet

Software Developer (Web-Developer / Software Engineer / Data Scientist)

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As a freelance and full-stack software developer based in New York, I am passionate about building digital services that help businesses thrive. With an unwavering love for coding, I strive to become a 10X developer and provide world-class, professional service to my clients. My ultimate goal is to leverage my skills and expertise to make a positive impact on the world, one project at a time. In order to stay at the forefront of my field, I am constantly seeking out new technologies and frameworks, and my ability to learn quickly and effectively is one of my greatest strengths. I take pride in producing high-quality work and delivering exceptional results for my clients. You can check out my portfolio to see some of my past projects and get a sense of my capabilities.

Tech Stack, Languages, and Frameworks


JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js, React, ChakraUI, Flutter, Tailwind, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Angular, Sass, Python, C#, Java, Blender, three.js, numpy, Matplotlib.


Firebase, GraphQL, Express.js, mongoDB, Flask, Node.js, Apache, SQL, PostgreSQL.


2002Born in Astana, Kazakhstan
2020Started trading options and using statistical modeling to develop trading algorithms in order to analyze investment opportunities.
2021Worked as a freelancer
2022Worked in PrincetonDev developing games.
2023 - PresentWorking as a Full Stack Engineer for Fiber AI (YC S23).

I ♥

Art, Rock music, my cat Oliver, math, astronomy, trading options, and drawing.

On the web

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